Agua Verde-Honeymoon Cove

11 April 2022 - Agua Verde was a beautiful anchorage but we decided to depart earlier than scheduled due to forecast strong northerly (contrary) winds. So, with 22 NM to go, and several dangerous rocks to thread our way through, we weighed anchor and got going just after 0700.

Agua Verde Bay astern

We encountered almost no wind initially so once again we motored several hours. Motoring is addictive, seeing the chart plotter steadily counting down the miles and the time until arrival at the next waypoint or the destination. The tradeoff is the time on the engine which a very wise man once advised me to regard as a consumable item. Finally, the wind did come up and we were able to sail for several hours. As we drew close to Honeymoon Cove the wind died off and we struck the genoa. S/V Sea Larks, a catamaran headed into Puerto Escondido alongside us, saw this, hailed us on VHF Channel 16, and asked if we needed any help. Very nice of them to look out for us. We got into Honeymoon Cove just as another sailboat was departing but we had the anchorage to ourselves. We got anchored in 30’ of water (the Cove is a very deep anchorage) near the beach. We were a bit concerned with swinging up on the beach but that proved unfounded as we learned when we took the dinghy to the beach the next day and saw that the water was at least 10 feet deep right up to within about five feet of the shore.

Hiking on Isla Danzante over Honeymoon Cove, Antoinette lying at anchor in background

We stayed at Honeymoon Cove for several days since we arrived early but we really enjoyed our time there. We hiked, snorkeled, and saw rays, fish, and a large pod of dolphins that came into the bay one day and feasted on the fish right around the boat for several hours.

Hiking on Isla Danzante


Honeymoon Cove-Puerto Escondido


Timbabiche-Agua Verde