The Crew


Colin McNease

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Remigio Ventisque Secundis. My Latin is imepccable as you can see, and may well be my greatest asset as we set sail. I also have some navigation skills from flying airplanes and minimal mechanical skills. I learned to sail initially with the fine folk at the MWR facility Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton California, Anne, Pat et al. We first chartered in Greece in 2012 then in Italy in 2014, then we bought Antoinette in 2017, adding to our stores of knowledge and skills.


First Slave

Jimena Torres

When Jimena moved to the USA to marry the Captain, she knew about the salty future plans for the couple. Finally after more than a decade of learning and preparing for this new adventure, she became the first slave ready to enjoy the wonderful experience of sailing.


Michin was born in the barrios of Long Beach on Alamitos Avenue, on approximately September 24, 2017. We found him crossing that busy avenue about four weeks later, adopted him, took him to the doctor, and thus began his sailing career. The Michin is a short haired Maine Coon with a sweet disposition but quite decided preferences. He has logged several hundred miles in Antoinette since he first sailed with us, and like many people, he adjusts well to life aboard after a day or two., mostly under a blanket.