Bahia San Francisquito-Puertocito Caleta de Enmedio

20 May 2022 - When I got up around 0530 the wind had died down, there was no fog and all was dry on deck. So I made coffee and began preparing the boat to depart.

We weighed the anchor at 0645 and got under way. Around 0815 we got a call from S/V “Arpatas”. Jacques said they had come into San Francisquito but anchored in the small pocket cove on the southeast of the bay. We were sorry to have missed them but glad at least to talk with them on the radio, again due to the miracle of AIS.

The forecast south winds never materialized and in their stead, we got light NE, NW and N winds and a corresponding northerly swell. Right on the “snot locker” as Pat Ayres used to say. So we motored all the 9.5 hours to Animas Slot and the larger Puertocito Caleta de Enmedio (Caleta Enmedio to friends) next door.

Isla San Lazaro to starboard enroute to Puertocito Caleta de Enmedio

Approaching Puertocito Caleta de Enmedio and Animas Slot

The perceptive reader will note that we had planned to anchor in Animas Slot. However, with a north swell rolling right into the anchorage, we decided against the tiny Slot and opted for the larger Caleta de Enmedio next door. Cleta de Enmedio was a pitchy anchorage due to the swell. Our bow rose and fell about 2-4 feet all night long. Needless to say, none of the three of us got much rest during this time. Jimena and I were up checking our position to ensure we were not dragging anchor, and I had to go out into the cockpit and lock the rudder which was banging on its stop and terrifying the Michin. Jimena also raised the companionway steps so the Michin could not go out on deck for fear he might be tossed off into the sea.

Sometime during the night the north wind and swell eased up and we did manage some restful sleep.

Puertocito Caleta de Enmedio anchorage

But it was certainly a pretty anchorage.


Puertocito Caleta de Enmedio-Puerto Don Juan


Santa Rosalia-Bahia San Francisquito