Caleta Partida-Isla San Francisco

3 April 2022 - After spending a couple of days on Caleta Partida, including a trip ashore with a hike across the island to the other side and some swimming, it was time to pack up and depart for Isla San Francisco, another beautiful anchorage and a short hop away.

When Jimena’s alarm went off at 0500 we discovered a discrepancy between the various devices that keep our time shipboard. The ship’s clock, my watch and the chart plotter all had the time as 0400. However, our iPhones, iPads and Garmin watches all said it was 0500. I consulted the astronomical data which listed the Beginning of Morning Nautical Twilight as occurring at 0530 and as it was not even remotely beginning to get light, we went back to sleep for another hour.

Caleta Partida astern

We weighed anchor just after 0600 (according to the later clocks) and headed out. We sailed up to San Francisco and got into a beautiful anchorage, but out in the middle as there were already quite a few boats there. We were anchored by 1100 in 25’ of water.

San Francisco was similar to Caleta Partida in that a small isthmus separated two bays on opposite sides of the island. There were a couple of boats anchored on the other (north) side. We dinghied ashore and hiked the beach, the hills and the isthmus.


Isla San Francisco-San Ysidro


La Paz - Caleta Partida, Isla Espiritu Santo