Friday Harbor to Point Hudson

20240927 – I got up and went to the head at 2230. It was cold, dark and windy but clear. The Michin got up as well but had no interest in going outside. When I came back, I fished a large piece of driftwood and some kelp out of the slip beside our boat.

Finally, I got up about 0445, turned off the 0500 alarm, walked up to the head then back to the boat. I made coffee and began preparing the boat for departure.

Jimena got up around 0600. I gave her coffee. We went to the head and I continued on up to the garbage and recycling then back to the head and the boat.

We shoved off a few minutes after 0630 and motored around Turn Rock, down the south San Juan channel, out through Cattle Pass past Cattle Point just as the current began to turn foul, and across the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Rounding Brown Island departing Friday Harbor 

Departing Friday Harbor headed to Turn Rock

We were passed up by a tug towing two barges around the Y SA buoy. We dropped in behind him and rounded Point Wilson before two large ships coming into Puget sound from the ocean arrived.

Point Wilson

We made Point Hudson again and tied up in slip 01 around 1300. Several large power boats came in and tied up around us in adjacent slips. Jimena learned they were sailing together.

Antoinette tied up in slip 01

We walked into Port Townsend and got pizza for supper then walked around town a bit.

In the evening, I walked up to the head. Coming back to the boat our dock was very dark. I saw something moving around by our boat and assumed the Michin had disembarked. When I called to him the animals turned and ran and most jumped into the water. It was then that I realized they were otters. As I got a little closer the last three jumped in the water and swam away.


Point Hudson to Shilshole Bay


Canoe Cove BC to Friday Harbor