Sailing Antoinette

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Isla Mitlan-Puerto Refugio

25 May 2022 – This was a long leg, about 34 NM, with the potential for changing wx so we had done some cuticle chewing before we started. In the event it was superb sailing and beautiful scenery.

We got started out of Isla Mitlan early to ride the flood tide up the Sea of Cortez. We weighed anchor just after 0500 and the had breakfast under way. It was just as difficult to leave Mitlan behind as it was Don Juan, but…time, tides and all that.

Isla Mitlan anchorage astern

We motored for several hours of light winds, crossing most of Canal de Ballena (or Whale Channel; we saw none but did see a ton of dolphins) over next to Isla Angel de la Guarda before a stiff southerly breeze kicked up and we sailed.

We sailed up around the northwest side of Angel de la Guarda but I got us too close and we lost the wind. So we started up the iron genoa and motored around Roca Vela (Sail Rock) and through the narrows into Puerto Refugio.

Roca Vela and Isla Angel de la Guarda

Passage to the right? Or to the left? Go right, go aground, go left, go around.

Puerto Refugio is yet another superlative anchorage, big, desolate and beautiful. Another place where we longed to spend several more days than we could do. Time, tides, etc. etc. etc.

Puerto Refugio anchorage.

We both jumped over the side and swam a bit. I scrubbed the waterline as well, then we took warm showers in the boat.

In the afternoon S/V ”Naida”, whom we had seen behind us on AIS, and whom we had last seen in Puerto Don Juan, glided into the anchorage and dropped the hook. Jimena spoke them on the radio as they came in and we were both mildly surprised when the two of them, Ken and Anne, swam over to our boat to chat. They declined the invitation to come aboard, probably just as well since our boarding ladder, from a famous large marine chandlery with a cardinal direction in their name, is a death trap. They would go to Puerto Penasco to haul out a day or two behind us, staying to enjoy Puerto Refugio. Smarter than we are obviously.

In the evening we hit the rack early to be rested for the long passage ahead. We slept like logs in the tranquil anchorage at Puerto Refugio.