Land Ho!

28 May - In the early morning Jimena won the silver dollar promised to he or she who first sighted land when she made the island of Maui in the distance under a cap of clouds. She called the rest of us up to see and verify the sighting and it was in fact Maui we all saw.

Land Ho! Jimena spots Maui early on the 28th, Day 24 at sea.

We sailed on through the Molokai Channel in increasing winds and following seas, hand driving much of the way to keep clear of other vessels, fish pens and the island of Molokai. Hand steering was a relatively new experience for us since the Monitor Wind Vane had steered most of the way across the Ocean. Jimena named the wind vane “Zoila” because in Spanish “soy la” is the feminine version of “I am”, as in “I am the one who steers”. And Zoila provided yeoman service on the way over. It is difficult to imagine hand steering all those hours although Bobby did a fine job running into Molokai Channel in the night with a fair wind at our back.


Landed Hawaii


Sailing out to Hawaii