Land Ho! Again

7 July - We were quite close to land (about 44 NM from Cape Flattery, even closer to Victoria Island BC) before we saw land due to fog and low visibilty. Finally I spied the Cape out of the mist and fog which had shrouded it from our view for at least a day. I showed Henry and called JImena but she was sleeping and not excited enough by the event to get up, don a PFD, and come up into the cockpit to see.

Land Ho! at around 40 NM and 24 days out of Honolulu, Hawaii

We had already been seeing a ton of commercial ship traffic on our AIS, which was mildly disconcerting since our radar was inoperative (it gave up the ghost on the Mexico-Hawaii leg, after we op checked it in the marina before leaving). Large ships would appear on the AIS then loom out of the fog within a couple of miles as though the AIS prophet had summoned them.

Ship traffic coming out of the Strait of Juan de Fuca in low visibility conditions


Strait of Juan de Fuca


Sailing with Whales