Playa Burro-Bahia Santo Domingo

7 May 2022 – We got up somewhat early, had some coffee then weighed anchor and departed Playa Burro for Bahia Santo Domingo again. We liked Santo Domingo before and decided to use it as our jumping off point for the next leg, to wherever that might be.

Playa Burro astern

We spoke S/V “Liahona” coming out of Playa Santispac as we passed. The also went to Bahia Santo Domingo for the night. They said they would go to Santa Rosalia also after checking weather in Bahia Santo Domingo.

Playa Burro back to Bahia Santo Domingo

There were one or two boats already in the Bay when we arrived including “Liahona”. We got in and anchored by 1030 after motoring the 11 NM up to the Bay.

The anchorage was every bit as peaceful and enjoyable as it was the first time around and it was too bad we had to depart the next morning.


Bahia Santo Domingo-Sweet Pea Cove


Posada Concepcion-Playa Burro