Sailing Antoinette

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Hauling in San Jose del Cabo

14 February 2022 - After showering, eating dinner in the Hook Up cantina and watching the first half of Super Bowl LVI, then sleeping like logs in the quiet of the marina, we got up this morning, checked out of the marina and drove the boat across the harbor to Marine Group Boat Works where we will have her hauled. This is the only way we can stay here any length of time since the marina is full and we have errands requiring us to go to the U.S.A. While she is already hauled, we will have the bottom cleaned and painted and do some other maintnance that is best done out of the water.

We got over to Marine Group mid-morning then waited our turn to get into the travel lift and haul out. They got us out, and blocked up on the hard by the end of the day. Then we went to “the bunker”, the cheapest hotel we could find which also would accept the Michin. It was grim. Out near the airport, next to a highway, with zero water pressure, no curtains on the slit window and in an area which had Jimena reluctant to venture out looking for a Valentine’s dining spot. Instead we showered in cold water then hit the rack.

Antoinette waiting her turn in the TraveLift

The next day Jimena found us much better (though somewhat more expensive) digs in the heart of old San Jose del Cabo. We got there, checked in, showered and walked right across the street to Lupita’s Mezcal and Tacos restaurant. We had a delicious meal then walked around the old town a bit looking at the art galleries and artisan stores, the old mission (founded in 1730), the plaza with the requisite giant Mexican flag and bandstand, and the 18th century architecture everywhere.

Our suite in the Encanto Inn

Our hotel lobby in San Jose del Cabo

The street in front of our hotel in San Jose del Cabo

The old mission in San Jose del Cabo

Over the next couple of days we wandered the streets of old San Jose del Cabo, ate tacos and drank mezcal at Lupita’s and had beer and tacos at Baja Brewing Co. when we could not get into Lupita’s, did some work on the boat and walked on the beach. A lovely, relaxing vacation from sailing although I, for one (and perhaps the only one) miss being on the boat and sailing.