San Ysidro-San Evaristo

6 April 2022 -After an evening on San Ysidro we decided to push on across the San Jose channel to San Evaristo, an enclosed anchorage protected on three sides by high hills, to avoid being out in high winds on following days. San Evaristo has a de-salinization plant to make fresh water, which is interesting in that a de-salinization plant is a major, energy intensive piece of infrastructure and San Evaristo is a small village.

The anchorage at San Ysidro was not bad after the wind slacked off a bit, but we still had little protection from winds from the north and none from the south if the wind shifted that way. Unfortunately, we did not get to go ashore to look at the ruins of the salt works there, which is supposed to be quite interesting. We did use the abandoned buildings as reference points to check that we were not dragging

The Point at San Ysidro looking toward San Evaristo

Isla San Francisco from San Ysidro

Sometime in the night while we were at San Ysidro another boat arrived and anchored just east of us down the beach.

We hauled up the anchor in the morning around 0830 and moved the four miles across to San Evaristo under power, anchoring there in 25’ just before 1000.

Departing San Ysidro


San Evaristo-Timbabiche


Isla San Francisco-San Ysidro