Bahia San Francisquito

26 November 2022 – We sailed on through the night then fetched Bahia San Francisquito at sunrise, the perfect timing. Initially I could not make out the square shaped bay, it just looked like more straight coastline. But I trusted the chart plotter and turned into where we had anchored previously, and we got anchored in about 20’ of water near the beach in the southwest corner of the Bay.

There was no one else there, we had the whole Bay to ourselves. It was just a little rolly with a slight bit of swell but that calmed down as the day wore on.

Once we got Antoinette situated at anchor we went below and had coffee and some breakfast then racked out for several hours. I got back up around 1400 and read Fire & Blood an excellent history of Mexico by a Texas historian named T.R. Fehrenbach.

When Jimena woke up we discussed departing at midnight but the winds were forecast to die off then turn around out of the south down by Santa Rosalia about the time we would have arrived. So we decided to stay put in San Francisquito a couple more days then depart on Tuesday the 29th. It is frustrating to be stuck with a crippled mainsail which we can only raise to the second reef but doesn’t hurt us too terribly much since when the wind blows, we can use a reef anyway.

Jimena made us dinner of lentils with toasted pine nuts and leftover beef, and we relaxed, read and hung out for the next couple of days. The wind eased off and changed directions and we had a couple of glorious nights of sleep on the hook.

Gypsy departed the day after we arrived, headed south so we are sure to see her again.

S/V Gypsy anchored in Bahia San Francisquito

Finally, on the morning of the 29th, we hauled up the anchor and set off to Santa Rosalia. The winds were SE which was not what we looked for but they were not too strong and we made good time, sailing all night and arriving just after sun up the next day.


Santa Rosalia redux


Puerto Don Juan