Santa Rosalia redux

29 November 2022 - After sailing all day and all night and making fair time with only a double reefed mainsail (part of the time), the genoa (part of the time), and the staysail (part of the time) we coasted into Santa Rosalia (again) this morning just after sunup, and back onto the internet for the first time in about two weeks. We also walked on land for the first time in two weeks and we were both rather wobbling around from lacking our land legs and also from fatigue.

Santa Rosalia harbor, redux

Our slip was not ready even though Jimena had called ahead to reserve one several days before. We arrived at 0800 off the harbor. Eventually we just went in and tied up at the fuel dock. The only slip available was #3, for a small boat, shorter than ours. Beggars cannot be choosers, so we took it, having to start the engine again and make a tight maneuver to get shoehorned into the slip. Which we did successfully and miraculously.

Santa Rosalia harbor, second time around

After getting tied into our slip and meeting Bill and Nina on S/V Gypsy on one side and Steve on S/V Tangaroa V on the other, we walked off into town and ate a good breakfast at Terco’s just across the street from the Mahatma Gandhi library.


Santa Rosalia to Punta Chivato


Bahia San Francisquito