Caleta San Juanico-Bahia Santo Domingo

1 May 2022 – May Day. No emergency, just the start of a new month. This morning we reluctantly pulled up the anchor and left Caleta San Juanico. We had thought to stop at Punta Pulpito which we could see from Caleta La Ramada when we walked there from San Juanico, but that seemed too short. We also pondered stopping at an anchorage called Medano Blanco, further up the coast. In the end we motored part way up the coast and then sailed the rest on a boisterous south wind all the way up to Bahia Santo Domingo at the head of Bahia Concepcion.

Caleta San Juanico astern

The departure from Caleta San Juanico was a shotgun start with all sorts of boats departing in front and behind us. Later in the day S/V “Arpata” sailed past us flying twin head sails, and an apparently single-handed Tayana named Amore I came up behind us and slowly passed us as well. They both rounded the point and went on down into Bahia Concepcion.

Punta Pulpito ahead

Tayana 37 Amore northbound

We pulled into Bahia Santo Domingo and anchored in 20’ of water at 1600 with several other boats around us. The winds had slacked off in the lee of the peninsula so although it was quite warm, it was nice, and the anchorage was secure. We took naps then got up and ate rice & beans in the cockpit.

After checking the forecasts we decided on moving on down further south into one of the coves tomorrow to beat coming southerly winds.

We feel sorry for the poor Michin who cannot take off his fur coat. He does manage to find the cool spots in the boat, on the sole or in the quarter berth, and hang out there.


Bahia Santo Domingo-Posada Concepcion


Isla Coronados-Caleta San Juanico