Caleta San Juanico-Isla Coronados

20221213 – We got up at the quite reasonable hour of 0600 and had the anchor weighed by 0715. We sailed down to Isla Coronados and went round outside the East side so as not to have to deal with going down through the channel and then beating back up to the southside anchorage.

We had very favorable winds and fetched the anchorage and dropped the hook before 1300. The anchorage was windy with a little bit of swell rolling in around the point from the E but we were in the lee of the island and protected.

Anchored in the lee of Isla Coronados, tucked in

Looking south from anchorage in the lee of Isla Coronados toward Puerto Escondido, 20 NM distant.

A Mexican panga, an open Boston Whaler-type, anchored near us and the two guys on board spent the night out in the open. They were able to tuck up nearer the shore than we could, so they were a bit more out of the wind, but still, it must’ve been a cold night.

The panga at dawn. Men of steel, boats of fiberglass…

We had dinner and read a little then went to sleep early. The weather now is chilly during the long nights, with sunset around 1730 and sunrise around 0700, and warm during the day, so perfect sleeping weather.

The wind stayed up all night as did the swell from the large waves out in the open Sea, but the anchorage was good, we did not drag, and there were no midnight fire drills.


Puerto Escondido mooring field


Punta Chivato-Caleta San Juanico