Puerto Escondido mooring field

20221214 – We got up at 0600. Not especially early given the short distance we had to travel, about 20 NM, but we were ready to be there on the mooring and to use the facilities at Puerto Escondido.

And so we weighed the anchor right at 0700 and then sailed under the big genoa only, leaving the main furled and covered on the boom, since it was to be all downhill anyway. It turned out to be superb winds and following seas which helped get us to the Puerto Escondido mooring field in about four hours.

By 1100 we were moored without any drama and had the boat buttoned up. However, the wind was blowing through the windows and across the mooring field, and even though we were inside the shelter of enclosed Puerto Escondido, the wind had enough fetch to set up some whitecaps down to the marina. Thus, we decided against going into the marina and just checked in with the office on the VHF radio.

The mooring field Puerto Escondido in wind and wave. But all snug below.

The “windows” from the mooring field Puerto Escondido.

Then we changed our minds, blew up the dinghy, put on the motor and had a boisterous but quick and dry ride into the dinghy dock. We showered, charged the Torqeedo battery up to 100%, checked emails and did some other chores before we ate supper at La Brisa, the restaurant.

La Brisa is outside and the wind never let up so it was a chilly supper we had. As soon as we were done we loaded up the dinghy and struck out for Antoinette so as to make it back before dark.

The return trip was against the wind and waves, was quite a bit slower and also quite a bit wetter. We took a fair amount of spray over the bows of the dinghy but Jimena said the trip was not as bad as she had expected.

We got back aboard Antoinette, unloaded the dinghy and hauled it up on deck, then went below and dried out.

We read for awhile then hot the rack around 2130.


Puerto Escondido slip


Caleta San Juanico-Isla Coronados