Costa Baja Marina, La Paz

17 January 2023 – We arrived in Costa Baja marina, filled both diesel tanks on the fuel dock then passed through the blasted channel (not an Anglo-ism: the channel was blasted out of solid rock) and tied up in a very accessible slip on the far side of the marina.

We stayed tied up in Costa Baja marina for a fortnight on shore power and water while we got some work done on the internet and waited out some high contrary winds. Costa Baja is a nice marina but far from town and our slip was far from heads, showers, restaurants…in short, anything.

We did get a lot done in the way of work for the boat (both head sails repaired, stainless steel spacers fabricated for the windvane control line blocks, washed) and planning (slip reserved in La Cruz on Banderas Bay, a weather router hired for the trip out to Hawaii and then on to Washington, and prospects for crew to join us, my friend David and my nephew Henry).

By the time we left we were ready to go and it was good to get back on the water.


El Triunfo


Bahia Falsa