Bahia Falsa

15 January 2023 – We departed Caleta Partida this morning with a forecast of light-ish SW winds. False. As we raised the mainsail the wind was building out of the south. We started off with one reef in the main and the stays’l and by the time we got out of the cove the wind was blowing 12-14 knots. Out of the south, dead on the snoot. We motor-sailed to keep up our speed until just past the San Lorenzo channel when the wind slacked off some. We shook out the reef and hauled out the genoa and killed the engine. We sailed close hauled under all canvas for an hour or so until the wind died off altogether. There were scads of sailboats coming north from La Paz which we dodged, most without AIS.

Eventually we cranked the engine and motored into Bahia Falsa, right past the big commercial port of Pichinlingue. This is a good anchorage where we stayed before when northbound. The big ships must slow down to make the button hook entry into Pichinlingue, so they don’t throw up much wake. Plus, it is only about four miles from the marina we are going to.

We witnessed a beautiful sunset. The wind got up at night however and made a lot of racket but the anchor held and we did not drag. We slept like babies.

The Michin enjoying the sunset on Bahia Falsa


Costa Baja Marina, La Paz


Caleta Partida