Departing Puerto Escondido

7 January 2023 - After checking weather and also determining that our package would not arrive any time soon, we settled on departing Puerto Escondido southbound on the 7th, continuing on our way.

The day prior we went into the marina and used the internet, took showers, washed clothes, provisioned, and did all things thereunto pertaining.

After returning to the boat we hauled the dinghy aboard and stowed it, stowed the motor and made ready to depart.

We said goodbye to all our friends here (Ken and Anne and their crew departed the day prior but we will see them again as they are headed south). As always it is sad to say farewell but so we must.

We headed out early with a fair forecast for the short trip down to Agua Verde anchorage. We had some wind initially but it died off and we motored most of the way into Agua Verde.

Bahia Agua ahead


Bahia Agua Verde


Hiking Near Puerto Escondido