Bahia Agua Verde

8 January 2023 – We anchored in Bahia Agua Verde yesterday from Puerto Escondido. It was somewhat anti-climactic as the wind faded and we had to motor much of the way. But we did find room in the cove sheltered (mostly) from the north swell and from the north wind entirely. There were quite a few boats already there when we arrived and a couple more came in after us, but contrary to appearances on the chart, there was plenty of room for everyone. We anchored behind another double ender named Azaya whose crew told us they had 70’ of rode out so we matched that. We anchored in 17’ of water so that was plenty of chain.

S/V Azaya lying to her anchor in Bahia Agua Verde

In the night two boats came into the anchorage then departed first thing in the morning. One of them (the larger) was towing the other, headed northbound, most likely for Puerto Escondido.

In the evening I heard an owl hooting on shore but I never saw him. The anchorage was pleasant, slightly rolly due to wraparound swell though it did not bother us enough to move when we had the opportunity.


Puerto Los Gatos


Departing Puerto Escondido