Sailing Antoinette

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Hiking Near Puerto Escondido

4 January 2023 – Today we were invited to go hiking with Brian and Lauren from S/V Gryphon up a canyon in the mountains overlooking the marina, grand, magnificent mountains. The canyon, called Tabor Canyon is also known as Steinbeck Canyon, is accessed from just across the highway from the marina. Brian and Lauren had a rental car, so we rode with them, but it was easily walkable if we had been motivated enough.

Gearing up for the hike

Finding the start of the trail was a minor inconvenience but once we found that it simply followed the canyon wash, and that other hikers had built cairns along the way, it was easy to scramble up over the boulders and up the canyon proper.

The canyon was superlatively beautiful with a stream running through it, limpid pools formed by the canyon; steep walls; and giant boulders we had to climb to proceed further up the canyon. It was full of stunning views up and down the canyon and from some spots we could see back to the Sea.

Scrambling up in Steinbeck Canyon

Brian up Tabor/Steinbeck Canyon

We hiked about a mile up into the canyon then turned around and walked back out to the car. Brian and Lauren were headed for another canyon, but we had had our fill, so they dropped us at the security post at the marina where we checked on the package we had been waiting for. Nothing.

We went back to the Captain’s Lounge where I called FedEx Mexico. They said since the tracking number showed the package delivered, they would have to open an investigation and gave me a case number. They also said the investigation would take 5-7 business days. We will be long gone by then so we will have to ask someone else to pick up the package for us and do something with it. This freed us up to move when we decide, but we have paid for a week on the mooring and will wait for a favorable wind.

We showered and got some meat at the market then made ready to depart off the dinghy dock. There we spoke with Anne and Ken from S/V Naida, who were provisioning for their own departure.

Brian and Lauren came by later in the evening with some fresh carrots and bananas for us which they found in a small town they went to when they did not find the other hiking trail. Very nice of them.