In La Cruz de Huanacaxtle. Still.

20 March 2023 - La Cruz still. There are worse places to be stuck awaiting a weather window to move and there are loads of really nice people, cruisers and locals, here in La Cruz. The town of La Cruz is eminently walkable and the plaza is just out the gate by our dock. There are plenty of good restaurants and lots of folks who can do work that we need done, such as stainless work (Ricardo); sail repairs (Mike’s loft at PV Sailing); and bottom cleaning (Julio).

All that said, it is hard to sit in one place. We still sit on the dock in Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz de Hunacaxtle on Banderas Bay. The water here in the marina is foul with dead fish, trash, raw sewerage and alligators (or crocodiles).

Fortunately it looks like we will get the son of some friends of my parents to crew with us out to Hawaii. That will make watches quite a bit easier and the whole passage more safe.

We have met many of the crew of boats making the passage across to the Marquesas in French Polynesia. Some have already left, a bit early according to the weather watchers, but for us the window comes later still so we will not leave at the time first anticipated, which was late March. All weather guessers agree that the later we wait the better, as late as end of April or even early May. We don’t know exactly what “better” means yet but we will get that defined.

Testing the spinnaker for the Puddle Jump to the Marquesas


In La Cruz. Still


La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit, Mexico