Moving to La Cruz

15 February 2023 – We weighed the anchor out of Punta Mita early around 0700 to get over to La Cruz in a timely fashion. And a good thing it was as the wind was right on the snot locker, as my sailing instructor Pat used to remark. Directly out of the East, the direction we were going. We beat some but shortly cranked the engine and drove over to Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle (whanacatlay, phonetically speaking).

Punta Mita astern

On our way over to La Cruz we saw several whales breaching in Banderas Bay. Very impressive.

Whale jumping in Banderas Bay

We arrived just int time to find our slip still occupied, possibly until around 1700, so they put us on the end of the dock, just behind a big catamaran out of Long Beach with Robert and Dave aboard.

Since we had to wait anyway, and buying into the myth of condensation in the tanks, we went to the fuel dock and topped off the port diesel tank. And I made a huge environmental mess in the process as well as fouling our boat’s scuppers on the port side.

Once we got the mess somewhat ameliorated, we went back to the hammer head, tied up and buttoned up for the night. We walked round to the Marina office and checked in, then walked around the other way to the Port Captain’s office on the other side of the marina and checked in there as well. After all the checking in was done we strolled up through town, ate lunch at Kiki’s Seafood and watched Chelsea and Dortmund draw in Premier League football on the television. Back at the marina, we took showers in the Yacht Club and went for dinner in the restaurant above the marina office, La Peska. Delicious, it was, fettucine with shrimp in aioli sauce..

Then we went back to the boat and read for a little bit before crashing.


La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit, Mexico


Crossing to the Mainland