Our time in La Cruz and Mexico winds down

30 April 2023 – Our time in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit and in Mexico, draws to a close. Today is Sunday. Last Sunday, we picked up Robert, our third hand for the sail out to Honolulu in a few days. He flew into the international airport in Puerto Vallarta. Tomorrow night we will talk with our weather guesser, Rick. Tuesday morning we start checking out of the country, and then we will sail away sometime Thursday.

Since we picked him up a week ago we have been liberally flushing Robert with information on sailing and sailing Antoinette. He is about full but adapting very well. He will be a valuable addition to the crew on the trip out to Hawaii.

All signs point to a good trip out to Hawaii, with the proverbial fair winds and following seas once we get outside of the Baja peninsula into the established Trade Winds.

Here in La Cruz we are wrapping up some last minute preparations and chores like laundry, provisioning, having the bottom of the boat cleaned, and saying good bye to friends from other boats who are going different ways or the same way later. Christine and Patrick on s/v Clair de Gouet headed to French Polynesia, Pete and Danny left on S/V Mazu and it looks like S/V Swan Fun will also beat us out of here. S/V Mazu is going up into the Sea of Cortez, S/V Swan Fun is also going out to Hawaii.

Mazu heading out with Pete and Danny aboard.


Cheeky Bastards


In La Cruz. Still