Sailing Antoinette

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Puerto Ballandra-Islas Coronados

26 April 2022 – We got up fairly early this morning after a good night’s rest. We ate a breakfast of scrambled eggs with corn and quesadillas then made the boat ready for an easy short leg (8 NM) over to Isla Coronado (not to be confused with the Islas Coronados that lie just southwest of San Diego, CA off of Tijuana).

We weighed anchor at 0845 and were anchored in the bight NW of the sandspit on Isla Corondo by 1130. Coming around the small, detached island into the bight we saw a couple of whales headed south between the sand spit and the detached island. We also saw S/V “Mazu” moving from the south side of the spit up to the north side transiting the channel between the sand spit and the island, so there is obviously plenty of water there. In the anchorage Jimena saw a sea turtle.

Isla Coronado,the detached islet off the sand spit to the right

We got anchored for the night in about 20’ of water. The island is basically the cone of an ancient volcano but there is a beautiful white sand beach in the elbow of the sand spit. We were too lazy to roll out and inflate the dinghy since we would depart on the morrow so we stayed on the boat and drank beers in the cockpit. In the anchorage with us were S/V “Mazu” and the unusual metal power boat M/V FPB 27.

In the evening the wind went down and we spent a very peaceful, calm and restful night.