Sailing Antoinette

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San Evaristo-Timbabiche

8 April 2022 - After several days anchored in San Evaristo, during which we got strong winds and some swell into the anchorage, giving the lie to the notion that San Evaristo is completely protected, we decided to pull up the anchor and head out on the next leg, to Timbabiche and thence to Agua Verde.

On one visit to shore in the dinghy it blew so hard against us on the return that we had a bit of a soggy trip back to the boat. We picked up some groceries and some water as well, so San Evaristo was worth the visit.

San Evaristo from Antoinette

Isla San Francisco from San Evaristo

Still chasing the chronological discrepancy aboard, at 0645 we moved all the retarded clocks ahead one hour to match all the timekeepers

The leg to Timbabiche was a bit long, 26 NM by our route, so we got an early start, weighing anchor around 0700. We motored for about three hours then sailed on pretty good winds until we got to Timbabiche.

San Evaristo astern, with what Jimena claims is Magma propaganda

We were anchored in 18’ by 1330. The anchorage was exposed to the south swell, so we knew we were in for a rolly night. But Timbabiche was beautiful, and we were holding well, not dragging, so all was fine.