Santa Rosalia, again

7 December 2022 – Our second visit to Santa Rosalia was every bit as good as the first. But today we had to depart for Punta Chivato on our way south again.

The night of 1 December, as we walked to dinner past the plaza, we came up behind a parade going up Alvaro Obregon Street. It was interesting in that it ;was small and included the fire truck; the ambulance; uniformed Public Service Officers; a pickup truck carrying a glass-encased, lighted statue of (probably) the Virgin Mary and a sound system blaring a recorded prayer; a group of locals dressed as Indians and marching/dancing; all preceded by a Municipal Police pickup truck. The day was the Catholic feast of Saint Eligius, patron saint of goldsmiths, ironworkers and metallurgical workers, which makes sense in this old French copper mining town where they still mine some copper, cobalt. zinc, and manganese.

St Eligius Day parade going up Alvaro Obregon in Santa Rosalia

St Eligius Day parade on Alvaro Obregon

On the evening of the 3rd we took Bill and Nina from S/V Gypsy out to dinner at Terco’s. They are carrying some mail up to the States for us when they go in a couple of weeks. Jimena called and worked on reservations in Puerto Escondido but it looks like they are full so we may wind up out on a mooring for some or all of the time there. We also discovered we must have left our new replacement folding hand truck in Puerto Peñasco. This put us in ill humor as we never once used it in anger. Ah well, easy come, easy go.

We did laundry, took showers, shopped for provisions, got some water (though we have a new water maker we have not run it yet and must be prudentwith water supplies) and relaxed at night tied to the dock, or as much of it as we could tie to.


Punta Chivato-Caleta San Juanico


Santa Rosalia to Punta Chivato