Santa Rosalia to Punta Chivato

20221207 – We fetched Punta Chivato after departing Santa Rosalia around 0600 and motoring all the way in fairly light winds which picked up just as we rounded Punta Chivato. Of course, we made good, predictable time and were anchored in the lee of Punta Chivato, just off the old hotel, before noon.

Anchoring off the old hotel in some breeze

Last spring, we had reports from another cruiser that this was a rolly, uncomfortable anchorage, but in the winds we had, it was quite comfortable and pleasant. He may also have anchored further out toward the point; we do not know.

In any event we passed a very peaceful, quiet night with plenty of wind to keep the bugs off but not enough to make things uncomfortable, and no swell rolled around the point to make things rolly.

Th full moon rose over the Sea and made a beautiful scene. We hit the rack early as we normally do for we had a bit of a day (56NM) from Punta Chivato to Caleta San Juanico on the morrow.


Santa Rosalia, again


Santa Rosalia redux