Sailing Antoinette

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Strait of Juan de Fuca

7 July - Today we entered the west end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, beginning a couple more days down to Shilshole Bay on Puget Sound. The Strait is long and we must traverse a good bit of Puget Sound so this would take some time. We wound up having a rip roaring wind behind us most of the night of the 7th, dropping us into a lot of traffic around Port Angeles in the morning, but then the wind died off so we motored.

Entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca, visibility clearing, Washington to starboard, Canada to port

Dungeness Point lighthouse

Rounding Point Wilson near Port Townsend

We motored throughout the night, dodged some traffic in front of Port Angeles in the morning then motored some more to beat a foul current. We rounded Point Wilson near Port Townsend through a race as the tide/current turned to our favor. This got us down Puget Sound as far as Point No Point where we killed the engine and drifted back into the ship channel. Since there were ships coming both ways, we cranked the engine yet again and began motoring down the Sound.