Sailing Antoinette

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Timbabiche-Agua Verde

9 April 2022 - After a somewhat rolly night at anchor with all the attendant noise in the boat, the anchorage being wide open to the south and southeast and the light wind and swell coming from that direction, we were happy enough to haul up the anchor and get going for what was billed as the beautiful anchorage at Bahia Agua Verde 20 NM up the road.

Timbabiche is a very starkly beautiful anchorage, and I was a bit disappointed that we did not get to go ashore to explore the Casa Grande ruins, the ruins of the big house which some eccentric landowner built many years ago. But that disappointment was more than outweighed by the prospect of getting to the next beautiful (and calmer and quieter) anchorage at Agua Verde.

Timbabiche shoreline, Casa Grande

Looking out from Timbabiche towards Isla San Jose (R) and Isla Santa Cruz (L)

And so we hauled up the anchor just after 0715 and headed round the point and up the coast to Bahia Agua Verde. As advertised, Agua Verde was a spacious, beautiful bay. We put out sail but the wind never came up enough, so we motored the entire way.

First Slave readies the anchor going into Bahia Agua Verde

There were already many boats there, at least 18, so we could not anchor in the smaller southeast lobe of the bay where we initially planned. But we got in and anchored in 20 feet of water in the center cove, next to some other boats, by 1230. The anchorage was calm and protected and quiet.

Bahia Agua Verde

We stayed in Agua Verde a couple of days. On the 10th we took the dinghy ashore, visited some other sailors in the small beachfront palapa restaurant, went to a small store in the small community, then took the dinghy around Pyramid Rock to the southeast cove where we snorkeled on the rocks and saw a great many fish.