Windows in Honolulu

11 June - We do windows. Specifically, we sail in good weather windows, auspicious of fair winds and following (or nearly so) seas. Today we received notice from our weather guesser Mike in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Mexico that there will be such a window this Wednesday, 14 June. As we are all chomping at the bit to get going toward the mainland we will depart to catch this window. We had already put our brand new genoa on the roller furler and replaced the leaking head pump assembly so as to be slightly ahead of the game.

Today we provisioned, bagged up and stowed our old genoa in the V Berth, and applied a temporary fix to some leaking portlights which need a full removal and re-bedding job which will have to wait awhile.

Tomorrow we will reinstall our depth/speed log in the hull, top off our fuel tanks and clean and lubricate our two biggest winches. The day before we depart we will top up our water tanks and have the bottom of the boat cleaned.

And finally, on Wed 14 June, we will take our leave of the wonderful Waikiki Yacht Club and start the long journey back to a place to which we’ve never sailed, Puget Sound in Washington state. Our time in Hawaii has been great but, as always, we gotta go.

Waikiki Yacht Club burgee

Departing Waikiki Yacht Club for Seattle WA

Honolulu astern, Henry at the helm




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