Puerto Los Gatos

10 January 2023 – We fetched Puerto Los Gatos yesterday from Bahia Agua Verde.

Bahia Agua Verde astern

Just before arriving we saw perhaps eight to 10 whales.

Look! Another whale…..

Whale outside of Puerto Los Gatos

Puerto Los Gatos is a lovely anchorage embraced inside the two arms of a reef with protection from both north and south winds. Because of the reefs, Jimena did not favor getting into this anchorage when we came north before, but she loves it now.

Puerto Los Gatos anchorage

Dawn Puerto Los Gatos

Ashore in Puerto Los Gatos

Today we took the dinghy ashore and hiked around on the red rock formations and the beaches. In the evening we sat on the bow and watched whales out in the channel about a mile in front of the entrance to Puerto Los Gatos. A spectacular show all around and we wish we could stay longer.


Isla San Francisco


Bahia Agua Verde