Isla San Francisco

12 January 2023 – We fetched Isla San Francisco’s south bay this afternoon after sailing out of Puerto Los Gatos for the harbor at San Evaristo. We motor-sailed down the San Juan Channel until the wind finally came up enough o kill the engine.

Then just north of San Evaristo the wind really got up and so we decided to push on down to Isla San Francisco and get a day ahead of our “itinerary”.

We flew, with the wind occasionally gusting to 30 knots. We ran under genoa alone and were flying.

When we got to Isla San Francisco, we had a moment when I realized that the winch I wanted to use to furl the genoa was the same winch that had the genoa sheet on it. That was easily resolved by leading the furling line to another winch. We got the genny furled, drove into a crowded anchorage and got anchored in about 20’ of water.

Anchored in the south bay on Isla San Francisco

The wind continued howling for the two days we stayed there. A catamaran anchored in front of us began dragging down on us but the crew recognized it, hauled up anchor and moved away to re-anchor just before we did the same thing. They dropped by later and apologized but we had no ill feelings since they recognized it and resolved it. Good thing that did not happen in the middle of the night.


Caleta Partida


Puerto Los Gatos