Sailing Antoinette

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Isla San Francisco-San Ysidro

5 April 2022 - The anchorage at San Francisco was beautiful and calm if a little busy. We had planned to move next to Amortajada, just around the north end of Isla San Francisco to the southern tip of Isla San Jose. However, due to concerns about winds and bugs, we elected to move on up to our next stop, San Ysidro, a little further north on Isla San Jose and just a stone’s throw from San Evaristo, our following anchorage.

And so we weighed the anchor at 0855 and motored all the way up to San Ysidro in light contrary winds. We threaded through some rocks and reefs with no issues.

San Ysidro on the day we left

While we were getting anchored at San Ysidro three pods of dolphins swam right by us. There was quite a bit of wind so we took bearings on several abandoned buildings of the salt works and on some peaks to make sure we recognized if we dragged. But the holding was good and we stayed put.